Oil Based Ink Individual


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This is for oil-based ink. Oil-based ink is vastly different than rubber based ink.

Oild based ink for letterpress printing works really well, however, there are some things to keep in mind.

  1. Oil-based ink can be a preference over rubber based ink
  2. Oil-based ink works well on both cotton paper and shiny paper.
  3. Oil-based ink drys quickly versus rubber based ink. This ink will dry quickly on paper, however, it will also dry on the rollers if you leave sit for 20-30 minutes or more.
  4. Oil-based ink is used for poster printing when you decide to use a non-cotton paper

If you have any questions, please reach out 🙂 Happy Printing!

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Green, Neutral Black, Opaque White, Orange 021, Process Blue, Purple, Red 032, Red Rhod., Reflex Blue, Rubine, Trans. White, Violet, Warm Red, Yellow


1 pound can, 1/4 pound cans, 1/4 pound tubes


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